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catmeow 48

catmeow 49

catmeow 50

catshorthiss 51

chicken animal impersonation 11

chicken caw cluck 52

cicada buzz bu01 59

cicadas sing bu01 61

creature demon breaths hungry to kill

creature fantasy fly flying 1

creature fantasy fly flying 2

creature fantasy fly flying 3

creature fantasy fly flying 4

creature grunt lip flaps comical

creature human breaths active 1

creature human breaths active 2

creature human breaths deep resting

creature human devilish laugh 1

creature human devilish laugh 2

creature human devilish laugh 3

creature human devilish laugh 4

creature human devilish laugh lite 1

creature human devilish laugh lite 2

creature human devilish laugh lite 3

creature human devilish laugh lite 4

creature human effort huff 1

creature human effort huff 2

creature human effort huff 3

creature human effort wince

creature human groan throat rumble 1

creature human groan throat rumble 2

creature human groan throat rumble 3

creature human groan throat rumble 4

creature human groan throat rumble 5

creature human growl short 1

creature human growl short 2

creature human growl short 3

creature human growl short 4

creature human grunt short 2

creature human grunt short 3

creature human imitates monkey grunts excited 3

creature human imitates monkey grunts low 1

creature human imitates monkey grunts low 2

creature human imitates monkey grunts low 3

creature human imitates wolf howl long 3

creature human imitates wolf howl long 4

creature human imitates wolf howl long 5

creature human imitates wolf howl long 6

creature human imitates wolf moan long

creature human moan angry x2