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harsh metal scrape

haunted impact with horror winds

haunted reverb hit

heavy anvil impact

heavy blast impact

heavy coin dropped on table

heavy coins dumped table

heavy distorted explosion

heavy future explosion 1

heavy future explosion 2

heavy glass and metal impact short crash

heavy hit with delays

heavy impact bang thud thud

heavy impact with delays

heavy impact with different elements

heavy impact stinger 1

heavy impact stinger 2

heavy impact stinger 3

heavy impact with various elements

heavy mangled crash impact

heavy mangled drum hit

heavy mangled drum stab

heavy mangled hit with delays and scratches

heavy mangled hit

heavy rippled impact

heavy space metal impact

heavy undulating hit

heavy wood hit with metal particles

heavy wood hit

heavy wood impact with large reverb

heavy wood impact with reverb

heavy wood impact

heavy wooden hit

hi tech impact

high crash diffuse with delays

high diffuse explosion

high speed martial arts arm attack movement

hit and sparkle loop

hit and whack double impact

hit impact metal hollow 01

hit sharp crack

hit with white noise

hits knocking shop

hits meat hammer crunch

hits meat hammer hard many 1

hits meat hammer hard many 2

hits meat hammer wet sloppy

hits meat sloppy splat 1

hits meat sloppy splat 2

hits meat sloppy splat 3