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sci fi gun laser photon shot

sci fi weapon 1671

sci fi weapon 1675

science fiction laser magnum laser shot

science fiction laser resonating beam

sf game 2 more laser shots

smashing explosion

sword draw 5

sword schwing fast 04

sword schwing fast 05

sword schwing fast 06

sword schwing fast 08

sword schwing fast gritty

sword schwing fast hollow 1

sword schwing fast hollow 2

sword schwing fast long lead

sword schwing fast ringy 2

sword shwing generic 1

sword slash into flesh 1

sword slash into flesh 2

sword strike great hall echo

war machine of chaos

weapon swish and blood spills

artillery 2

artillery two shots 1

asteroid fly by

asteroid fly by

bang shot in the dark




bomb drop brutal exploding impact

bomb drop crazy destruction explosion

bomb drop falls but fails to explode

bomb drop resonant explosion

bomb drop war explosion

bomb drop water explodes

bomb explosion 1

bomb explosion 2

bomb explosion 3

broadsword strike with delay

chained weapon thrown

dark sabre

dissonant electrical discharge

distant artillery 1

distant artillery 2

distant artillery double 3

distant artillery multiple 1

a distant explosion with subtle delay

distant explosive fallout