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bar crowd talking

bar crowd talking

children in playground 1

concession stand 1

concession stand 1

crowd as band tunes up on stage

crowd at bonfire

crowd chat around hotel swimming pool then dog jumps in group reaction etc

crowd club bar lite end of night

crowd ext club bar happy drunks far 3

crowd ext club bar happy drunks far car bys

crowd highschool grad auditorium large idle chatter 2

crowd highschool grad auditorium large idle chatter bg band 1

crowd highschool grad auditorium large idle chatter bg band 2

crowd highschool grad auditorium large idle chatter bg band 3

crowd interior mixed chatter atmosphere 1

crowd interior mixed chatter atmosphere 1

pub chatter interior 2

reception room crowd 1

saloon bar crowd on ferry 1

town market atmosphere 1

town market atmosphere 8

bar crowd talking

cafe chatter exterior 1

cafe chatter exterior 2

cafe chatter exterior 3

cafe chatter exterior 4

cafe chatter exterior 5

cafe chatter interior 1

children in activity centre 1

children in activity centre 2

children in playground 2

crowd applause and shouts etc at end of pub gig 7

crowd chatter football fans in bar

crowd club bar walla drunk lite

crowd club bar walla drunk med 1

crowd club bar walla drunk med 2

crowd ext club bar happy drunks close

crowd ext club bar happy drunks far 1

crowd ext club bar happy drunks far 2

crowd highschool grad auditorium large idle chatter 1

crowd interior mixed chatter atmosphere 2

crowd interior mixed chatter atmosphere 3

crowd interior mixed chatter atmosphere 4

crowd interior teens idle chatter busy

crowd queuing for show

crowd small at end of pub gig 1

crowd small at end of pub gig 2

crowd small at end of pub gig 3

crowd small at end of pub gig 4