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horror swell underworld creature moans dark low 01

horror swell vortex vanish dark airy pulse flange reverse 01

horror swell vox dark abyss open 01

horror swell vox dark abyss open 02

horror swell vox eerie stab 01

horror swell vox haunting 01

horror swell vox haunting 02

horror swell vox haunting descend 01

horror swell vox haunting strings 01

horror swell vox phaser dark 01

horror swell vox warble dark eerie 01

horror swells ghostly supernatural encounter 01

horror swells ghostly supernatural encounter 02

horror swells ghostly vox dark 01

horror swirl dark science fiction space whoosh flange 02

horror swirl dark science fiction space whoosh solar flare 01

horror swirl ghostly airy science fiction space whoosh 02

horror synth bass loop bm 135 bpm

horror synth stab accent low 01

horror synth stab accent low 02

horror synth stab ghostly 01

horror synth stab ominous 01

horror synth stab ominous low tone 01

horror synth stab swell low dark flange 01

horror synth stab swell low scary 01

horror synth stab swell low scary 02

horror synth stab swell tonal eerie tremolo 01

horror transformation swell vanish disappear 01

horror transition 20

horror underwater cave ambient sweeper 01

horror vampire hiss long 01

horror violin loop bm 135 bpm 1

horror violin loop bm 135 bpm 2

horror violin loop bm 135 bpm

horror whoosh to altered reality 01

horror whoosh dark 01

horror whoosh eerie 01

horror whoosh flutter dark 01

horror whoosh ghostly pass by 01

horror whoosh ghostly pass by 02

horror whoosh metallic high 01

horror whoosh metallic high pan 01

horror whoosh trailer hit 03

horror wind chime effect eerie swell reverb 01

horror wind gust eerie haunting 02

horror wind gust eerie haunting 03

horror wind gust eerie haunting long 02

horror wind gust eerie haunting short 01

humanbreatheslow 137

knocking on haunted door with creaky knocker