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10 s dinosaurs

air machine 1

alien bass

alien engine drone exterior hum 2

alien ship hum loop 2

alien volcano scape

alien warning 2

alien warning 2

alien warning 3

alien warning 4

alien warning 5

alien warning 6

bass warning 1

bats 2

bats 3

bats 5

belly of the beast

camp ghost in reverse

castle haunted 19

cerberus underworld atmosphere

chill 1

cinematic room tone 50

cinematic transition 2

crazy evil bass

crazy laugh 1

creaky rocking chair 2

creaky rocking chair 3

creepy caller countdown

creepy gong 1

creepy high 1

creepy high 2

creepy high 3

creepy high 4

creepy low 1

creepy low 1

creepy low 2

creepy vibration 1

crime and torture single whip crack

crunchy dive 1

filter vox

a flash of horror

fm power

forest 3

forest woodland ambience 2

forma sweep ambient

forma sweep b

forma sweep trancy

freaky noize 1

frequency bass

generator hum with screeches