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10 s dinosaurs

10 s monsters

air machine 1

alien bass

alien engine drone exterior hum 2

alien ship hum loop 2

alien warning 2

alien warning 2

alien warning 3

alien warning 4

alien warning 5

alien warning 6

bass warning 1

beware of the yeti

big dragon wing flap 1

camp ghost in reverse

chill 1

cinematic room tone 50

classic zombie breath 02

crazy evil bass

creepy gong 1

creepy high 1

creepy high 2

creepy high 3

creepy high 4

creepy low 1

creepy low 1

creepy low 2

creepy vibration 1

crowd interior med fight laughs evil mocking subsides

crunchy dive 1

filter vox

fm power

forma sweep ambient

forma sweep b

forma sweep trancy

freaky noize 1

frequency bass

future dragon warcry

game plant regrowth 03

game plant regrowth 05

ghost of the forest

ghost monster shriek

ghostly ah 1

ghostly god 1

ghostly nooo 1

ghostly nooo 2

ghostly sob 1

goblin fiends of the dark