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coins hand 3

coins quarter drop bounce table 01

coins shaking 1

coins shaking 2

coins sifting 1

coins sifting 2

coins sifting 3

coins sifting 4

quarter spun on counter

quarter spun on glass

quarter spun on wood table

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes 1

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes 2

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes 3

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes dirty 1

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes dirty 2

clear coin movement on hard surface

crowd interior claps to the beat quarter notes reverb 1

crowd interior claps to the beat quarter notes reverb 2

fumbling with coins

guitar electric amplifier on fiddles off

handful of coins dumped on table

heavy coin dropped on table

heavy coins dumped table

slide and collect coins from table

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes dirty 3

static guitar plug in out interference buzzes feedback