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rubber stretch small 7

rubber stretch small 8

rubber stretch small 9

rubber stretch snap thump 1

rubber stretch snap thump 2

rubber stretch tight

rubber stretching 1

rubber stretchy mvs

arena crowd noise with band 1

band pass by crowd cheers

big elastic band ping

brass band in background at celebration in town square lots of crowd

brass band drumming in background at celebration in town square lots of crowd

brass drum parade passes%28loop%29

celebrations in old town square crowd fanfare fireworks firecrackers then band

crowd applause and shouts etc at end of pub gig 7

crowd small at end of pub gig 1

crowd small at end of pub gig 2

crowd small at end of pub gig 3

crowd small at end of pub gig 4

crowd small at end of pub gig 5

crowd small at end of pub gig 6

drumming as band passes in old town square percussion and crowd 2

fanfare arpeggio resolution

fanfare fast resolution

fanfare resolution

fanfare slow resolution

rubber snap small 1

rubber snap small 5

rubber stretch dbl high

rubber stretch pull

rubber stretch tension

tight elastic band ping

tokyo train garage band

walking through celebration crowd when band starts up italy