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champagne cork 1

champagne cork 1

cheers largecrowd

cheers lgcrowd

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation med 3

crowd cheers bar drunk singles

crowd interior med fight cheers claps 3

crowd interior med fight cheers subsides

glass bottle cheers toast 01

glass cheers toast 01

glass clink 3

glass clink 3

glass clink cheers 01

glass clink cheers a1

glass clink cheers a2

glass clink cheers a3

glass clink cheers b1

glass clink cheers b2

glass clink cheers b3

glass clink cheers b4

glass clink cheers b5

glass clink cheers c1

glass clink cheers c2

glass clink cheers c3

glass clink cheers c4

huge distorted cheers

small crowd clapping 3

band pass by crowd cheers

cheers elemschool

cheers elemschool

cheers gradescholcrowd

cheers gradescholcrowd

crowd applause and shouts etc at end of pub gig 7

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation big 1

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation big 2

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation lite 1

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation lite 2

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation long

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation med 1

crowd applause cheers auditorium graduation med 2

crowd applause outside 1

crowd cheers applause bar drunk

crowd ext pingles farm cannon cheers countdown

crowd interior med fight cheers claps 2

crowd interior med fight cheers claps 4

crowd interior med fight cheers claps intense 1

crowd interior med fight cheers crazy girl screams

crowd interior med fight cheers reactions ohh

crowd small at end of pub gig 1

crowd small at end of pub gig 2