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2003 volkswagon golf trunk air open 1

2003 volkswagon golf trunk air open 2

2003 volkswagon golf trunk air open 3

2003 volkswagon golf trunk close 1

2003 volkswagon golf trunk close 2

2003 volkswagon golf trunk close 3

2005 smartcar fortwo hatch close 1

2005 smartcar fortwo hatch close 2

2005 smartcar fortwo hatch open 1

2005 smartcar fortwo hatch open 2

creaky door 2

creaky door 3

creaky door 4

creaky door 8

police swat tank apc driver hatch open 01

police swat tank dragoon driver hatch port close 01

police swat tank dragoon driver hatch port open 01

creaky door 5

creaky door 6

creaky door 7

creaky door 9

police swat tank apc driver hatch close shut 01

saturnvue s08tm 611

saturnvue s08tm 612

space hatch thin metal whoosh

wooden hatch open and close