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Breakfast Outside

Breakfast in Berlin

Breakfast In Bed

apple bite 5

bite of pistachio 1

biting nut shell 1

bowl spoon cereal moves

cafe morning breakfast nyc 1

cafe morning breakfast nyc 2

cafe morning breakfast nyc 3

chowin down cereal 1

crack open pistachio 2

foley cereal box grab 1

foley cereal box grab 2

foley cereal box grab 3

foley cereal box grab 4

foley cereal box grab 5

foley cereal box hit crinkle 1

foley cereal box hit crinkle 2

foley cereal box hit crinkle 3

foley cereal box hit crinkle 4

foley cereal box hit crinkle 5

foley cereal box hit crinkle 6

foley cereal box moves bag open

foley cereal box moves crinkle 1

foley cereal box moves crinkle 2

foley cereal box put down med

foley cereal box scoop out 1

foley cereal box scoop out 2

foley cereal box shake 1

foley cereal box shake 2

foley cereal honey combs moves crunchy

foley cereal honey combs moves drops 1

foley cereal honey combs moves drops 2

foley cereal honey combs moves lite

foley cereal honey combs moves sweeps

foley cereal honey combs sweep drop

foley cereal open pour corn flakes 1

foley cereal open pour corn flakes 2

foley cereal pour milk 1

foley cereal pour milk 2

shaking cereal 2

toaster 1

toaster push down 1

bite of pistachio 2

biting into toast

cereal bag folding up

chowin down cereal 2

cutlery clatter 1

cutlery clatter 2

cutlery clatter 3

eating an apple 2

eating a carrot 1