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Closing In


Close Enough

flip lid lighter open and close 2

flip lid lighter open and close 3

fridge door close hard 01

fridge door close hard 02

fridge door close hard 04

fridge door close hard 05

fridge door close light 01

fridge door close light 02

fridge door close light 03

fridge door close light 04

fridge door close light 05

fridge door close light 06

fridge door close light 07

garage door open manually

garage door slam 1

garage door slam 2

goats stall feeding mic close to goats internal farm ambience

grenadelauncher s08wa 232

gunhandgun s08wa 310

gunhandgun s08wa 312

gunmachinegun s08wa 606

gunmachinegun s08wa 615

gunmachinegun s08wa 628

gunmachinegun s08wa 796

gunmachinegun s08wa 801

gunmachinegun s08wa 806

gunmachinegun s08wa 933

gunrifle s08wa 397

gunrifle s08wa 429

gunshotgun s08wa 503

gunsubmachinegun s08wa 1526

handcuffs latch clicks close 01

handcuffs latch close fast clicks 01

handcuffs latch close half pause finish 01

handcuffs latch close slow 01

handcuffs latch full close slow clicks 01

highhat closed 1

highlander door close lite

highlander door close slam 1

historical antiques stove drawer close 01

historical antiques stove drawer close 02

historical antiques stove lid close 01

horror cell door close 01

hospital door close 01

household appliance dishwasher slide bottom rack close 01

household appliance dishwasher soap compartment close 01

household appliance microwave door close 01

household appliance oven door close 01

household appliance oven door close hard rattle 01

household appliance washing machine lid close 01