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big craft engine

big scan

bits and bytes broken

blade runner

blade walker transition

caught nowhere in time

the chaos engine

close encounters of the melodic kind

crazy wave attack

cyber darkness scifi fx

dark sabre

dark scape 2 stock minimal

the dawn of time ambient scape

the dead planet ambience fx

deep ambient space journey

dimension deconstruction

drilling for space oil loop

droid data motion 01

droid data motion 02

droid data motion 03

droid data motion 04

droid data motion 05

droid digital part 01

droid digital part 02

droid digital part 03

droid digital part 04

droid digital part 05

droid electro move 01

droid electro move 02

droid electro move 03

droid electro move 04

droid electro move 05

droid flyby shot 01

droid flyby shot 02

droid flyby shot 03

droid flyby shot 04

droid flyby shot 05

droid grappling hook fail

droid grappling hook retract

droid grappling hook shot

droid jet charging

droid metal rattle 01

droid metal rattle 02

droid metal rattle 03

droid metal rattle 04

droid metal rattle 05

droid out of order 1

droid out of order 2

droid out of order 3

droid power down 01