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laser musket shot

laser scatter shot 05

light saber 1

light saber 3

mystical sparkle fantasy transition

pulsating logo reveal 04

rise to nothing

robot metal circuits

robot or machine 4 foley

robot transformer accent

robot voice says 9


science fiction laser forcefield

scifi holographic screen touch 2

scifi loading screen loop 1

scifi loading screen loop 10

scifi loading screen loop 19

space probe

space ship engine

spaceship soft passing rumble

spaceship teleport charging

summer time splash logo 3

summer time splash logo 9

ufo strange launch

ufo ultimate slow landing

battle atmosphere scape

bell type warning alert

bell type warning alert

big craft engine

big scan

bits and bytes broken

blade runner

blade walker transition

caught nowhere in time

the chaos engine

close encounters of the melodic kind

crazy wave attack

cyber darkness scifi fx

dark sabre

dark scape 2 stock minimal

the dawn of time ambient scape

the dead planet ambience fx

deep ambient space journey

dimension deconstruction

drilling for space oil loop

droid data motion 01

droid data motion 02

droid data motion 03

droid data motion 04

droid data motion 05