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dissonant interlude v1

dissonant interlude v2

the dread legion

the dreaming dragon

dwellers of the darkside

evil snake hiss

evil spirits idle chatter

fantasy effect ogre yawn

fantasy monster sneeze

fantasy wrath of the harpy

flight of the familiars

flying birds of fright

flying demon death squad

galactic gremlin

ghastly gargoyle

ghost fever it comes and goes

ghost glitcher

ghostly synthetic moans

giant goblin

giant laughing space lizard

the giant lizardman

the giant orc

gigantic sleeping space toad snores

gremlin brave heart

gremlin hairy scary

gremlin hissy

gremlin huffy

gremlin innocent

gremlin mr fangs

gremlin objection

gremlin pain

gremlin problem imp

gremlin sneaky

gremlin stroppy

gremlin weeee

grizzly hell bear

groaning winds graveyard fx

hall of the demon king ambience

haunted hall of horrors

haunted house the possessed

haunting world drone

hell gate deathly evil

hiss nasty fiend

hobgoblin warlord

horror ambience the dark fear

horror dark and resonant noises

horror deathly drone

horror on the devil train

horror dissonant air drone

horror drone water and static