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bic pen on 1

bic pen off 2

bic pen on off 2

bic pen off 3

bic pen on 3

bic pen on off 3

bic pen on 4

bic pen on off 4

bic pen on off 5

pen click

pen drop on desk 01

pen on paper long 1

pen on paper long 2

pen pick up desk 01

pen pick up wood surface 01

pen set down wood surface 01

pen write scribble paper 01

pencil bend break 01

pencil erasing

pencil on paper long 1

pencil scribbles on paper 1

pencil sharpener manual turn handle fast 01

pencil writing 12 long

pencil writing 15

pencil writing fiddling fast 01

pencil writing fiddling fast 02

shakes mug w pencils roomy earthquake

shakes mug w pencils short roomy earthquake 2

shakes mug w pencils short roomy earthquake 3

sharpee on paper long 1

sharpen pencil 1

sharpen pencil 2

bic pen on off 1

bic pen on 2

bic pen off 2

rummage through pens and pencils

rummaging through pencil case

shakes mug w pencils short roomy earthquake 1

sharpee quick scribble 1

sharpee quick scribble 2

sharpee two short swipes

writing marker on cardboard scribble fast 1

writing marker on cardboard scribble fast 2

writing marker on cardboard scribble fast 3

writing marker on cardboard scribble fast 4

writing with pencil