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distorted theremin


disturbing fx weird spirit

disturbing zombie parrot

do the timewarp

docking at spaceport

dog animal impersonation 5

dog animal impersonation 6

door of the future

doors of the mothership

double alert whoosh

double delay whoosh effect

double electric charge tone

double splat

dove animal impersonation 8

down the garbage chute

dracula i am a vampire

dracula i vant to bite your finger

dragging metal blade whoosh


dragging thin metal

dramatic hit 2

dramatic hit

dramatic rumble woosh

dribbly squelchy

drip reverb whoosh 1

drip reverb whoosh 2

droid production line

drone mysterious whoosh

dropped into swamp

drum roll 1

drum roll with cymbal crash at end

drum roll without the snare %28heavy start and then low roll%29

dry cough old man sfx

dubstep scifi effects 01

dubstep scifi effects 02

dubstep scifi effects 03

dubstep scifi effects 04

dubstep scifi effects 05

dubstep scifi effects 06

dubstep scifi effects 07

dubstep scifi effects 08

dubstep scifi effects 09

dubstep scifi effects 10

dubstep scifi effects 11

dubstep scifi effects 12

dubstep scifi effects 13

dubstep scifi effects 14

dubstep scifi effects 15

dubstep scifi effects 16