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activity truck rolling fridge heavy rumble

aluminum gutter drag scrape cement 01

aluminum gutter scrape metal object 01

aluminum scrape on floor 01

backhoe bucket scrape dirt 1

backhoe bucket scrape dirt 2

backhoe bucket scrape dirt 3

backhoe bucket scrape dirt 4

blade scrape across nylon case 01

blade sharpener scrape knife grind back forth 01

blade sharpener scrape knife multiple back forth 01

book shelf 2

book shelf 3

book shelf 4

book shelf 5

bottle water empty scrape wood 01

can food slide scrape right to left 01

car front bumper scrape 01

car front bumper scrape 02

car front bumper scrape surface rumble 01

cardboard scrape fast 01

cardboard scrape hard fast 01

cardboard scrape knife 03

cardboard scrape slide 01

chair wood slide slow bumps 1

chair wood slide slow bumps 2

chair wood slide by smooth

chair wood slides rattles var

circular saw start cut stop wood set down scrape blade 01

clay debris scrape 01

coin quarter scrape shake 01

creaky door 2

creaky door 3

creaky door 4

creaky door 8

fly swatter scrape wood surface 01

footsteps boot scrape debris 01

footsteps boots scrape cement 01

footsteps boots scrape cement debris 01

footsteps boots scrape dirt off 01

footsteps boots scrape dirt 01

footsteps boots scrape dirt off 02

footsteps boots slide scrape short hay cement debris 01

footsteps combat boots metal zipper wood scrape 01

footsteps dress shoes wood scrape 01

footsteps dress shoes wood scrape 02

footsteps high heels on cement slow scrape walk 01

footsteps high heels on cement slow scrape walk 01

footsteps high heels wood scrape 01

footsteps shoe scrape scuff cement snow 01