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fire dispatch radio int truck voice clip middle age female engine three on scene and in command 01

fire dispatch radio int truck voice clip middle age female requesting medvac at scene 01

fire dispatch radio int truck voice clip middle age female rescue return to central 01

fire dispatch radio int truck voice clip middle age female we have report of an occupied structure fire confirmed victims 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male accident 19 and gratiot 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male accident at nineteen and gratiot 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male accident at nineteen and gratiot 02

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male all engines respond 03

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male all engines respond 04

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male dispatch engine five is arriving on scene 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male dispatch to engine five what is your progress 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male dispatch requesting medvac at scene 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male emt is en route 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male emt is in route 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine 3 has command 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine 3 has command 02

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine 3 has command 03

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine five dispatch pockets of fire all around 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine five is en route 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine five we have a downed wire at fourteen and hayes 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine three engine five you want me to relay 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine three has command 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male engine three on scene and in command 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male rescue highway patrol is on the scene 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male rescue return to central 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male ten four engine five is en route 01

fire dispatch radio voice clip int truck adult male three alarm at 21 and north 01

fire truck door 203

fire truck engine 207

fire truck hydr 219

fire truck siren 233

fire truck siren 235

garbage truck bottles

garbage truck

parade firetruck

passing car with urban town ambience

pick up truck 3 point turns moves

road crew 2

road crew 3

semitruck passing hwy

semitruckgarage 876

semitruckhorn 869

servo moving truck long 2

servo moving truck long 3

servo moving truck long 4

servo moving truck long metal clunks

servo moving truck med air release

servo moving truck med

servo moving truck short 2