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gravel being shoveled

hammer hit anvil blacksmith 01

hammer hit small 01

hammer hit small 02

hammer hits nail in wood tight thin

hammer hits nail in wood typical

hammer hits nail in wood various w moves

hammer hits no nail wood thumpy

hammer hits wood lite cheap many

hammer hits wood med

hammer hits wood roomy 1

hammer hits wood roomy 2

hammer large on metal pipe

hammer large on metal tank

hammer large on metal tank

hammer med on metal pipe 2

hammer med on metal pipe se

hammer med on metal tank se

hammer med on metal tank

hammer small on metal pipe

hammer small on metal tank

hammer wood hits nail 2

hand drill 1

hand drill 3

hand saw cutting wood 1

hand saw cutting wood 2

hand saw cutting wood fast

hand saw small cutting wood 1

hand saw small cutting wood 2

hand saw small cutting wood 3

hoist chain and rope

impact rock hammer gritty many

industrial generator 1

jack hammer small working 2

lever metal skill saw small fast moves 1

lever metal skill saw small fast moves 2

lever metal skill saw small fast moves 3

lever metal skill saw small fast moves 4

lever metal skill saw small fast moves 5

lever metal skill saw small fast moves 6

lumber noise1

paper cut construction paper 01

paper cut construction paper 02

paper cut construction paper 03

paper cut construction paper 04

power drill screw wood 1

power drill screw wood 2

power drill screw wood 3

power drill screw wood 4

power drill screw wood 7