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38 laser zap

8 bit laser zap 01

arcade game double laser zip

game rocket launcher 2

hand gun glock cock 5

harsh laser swoosh 04

lair of the lunar monster

laser beam noise 02

laser beam power up 02

laser beams and bleeps

laser future beam bubbles

laser glitch heaven

laser gun 1

laser gun 12

laser gun 2

laser little zap

laser musket shot

laser scatter shot 05

laser shot big solid

laser shot big

laser shot burst coarse

laser shot coarse pop out

laser shot coarse quick

laser shot fuzzy

laser shot high mutate

laser shot high

laser shot light

laser shot med

laser shot pump delay 1

laser shot pump delay 2

laser shot very light

laser wave pulse and sparkle

laser zap pulse wobble

laser zap theremin high

rebel princess laser pistol

retro power down 04

saturn stun gun

sci fi drone 265

sci fi explosion 306

sci fi gun laser photon shot

sci fi weapon 1671

sci fi weapon 1675

science fiction laser activate 2

science fiction laser forcefield

science fiction laser magnum laser shot

science fiction laser resonating beam

sf game 2 more laser shots

sf game laser force field

sfxbible 00677

sfxbible 00678