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cable swish whoosh through air 1

cable swish whoosh through air 4

cable thin single whoosh whip 01

cable thin single whoosh whip 01

cable tie tighten zip 01

cable whip whoosh single 01

hoist chain and rope

rope small pulls thru nylon

cable swish whoosh through air 2

cable swish whoosh through air 3

cable swish whoosh through air 5

cable swish whoosh through air 6

cable whip single 03

cable whip whoosh multiple 01

cable whip whoosh single 02

galleon tall ship under sail with rope and canvas moves

rope swinging swishing through air

rope twine tension creaks

ropenetwhoosh s08wa 1513

sail and rope moves 1

sail and rope moves 2

sail and rope moves 3

snowropedrop s08wt 66

snowropepickup s08wt 67