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ice short crack 11

ice short crack 12

ice short crack 2

ice short crack 3

ice short crack 4

ice short crack 5

ice short crack 6

ice short crack 7

ice short crack 8

ice short crack 9

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 1

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 10

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 2

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 3

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 4

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 5

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 6

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 7

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 8

ice small chunk of ice lands on hard surface 9

ice small piece of ice smashing 1

ice small piece of ice smashing 2

ice small piece of ice smashing 3

iceblockchisel s08wt 2

iceblockchisel s08wt 3

iceblockchisel s08wt 4

iceblockchisel s08wt 5

iceblockdrop s08wt 6

iceblockscrape s08wt 7

iceblockscrape s08wt 8

iceblocksetdown s08wt 9

iceblockslide s08wt 10

icepickchop s08wt 11

icepickdrop s08wt 12

icepickpickup s08wt 13

icepondbreak s08wt 14

icepondcrack s08wt 16

icepondcrack s08wt 17

iciclesbreakdrop s08wt 18

impact snowball on car window 1

rubbing snow off clothes

scraping ice 2

shovel clearing snow

single footstep on icy snow 1

single footstep on icy snow 2

single footstep on icy snow 3

single footstep on icy snow 4

ski travelling on snow and ice

snow impact creaky debris

snow impact gritty creak