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whip crack

baby quick cry 1

bone break 1

bone break 2

branch break crack 01

breaking down a door 4

bullet wood hit 1

busting open a door

crack open pistachio 2

crime and torture single whip crack

crowd cackles 1

crowd laughs 4

food chestnut crack open shell drop 01

food crack crumble 01

food pistachio crack open 01

food pistachio crack open 02

food potato crack open 01

food vegetable green pepper crack crunch 01

food vegetable green pepper tear long crack 01

food walnut crack fast 01

food walnut crack open up 01

food walnut crack open shell movement 01

food walnut crack slow pop open 01

footsteps twigs step crack crumble leaves 01

high female laugh 1

human scream 425

icepondcrack s08wt 15

knuckles cracking.wav

loud crunch 1

skull crack open za02 498

skull crack open za02 499

toddler giggles 1

toddler giggles 2

toddler giggles 3

windshield crack multiple 01

windshield crack single 01