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chime whoosh 8

chime whoosh 9

cleaning glass 1

crazy motion elastic whoosh 1

crazy motion elastic whoosh 2

creepy scratch

dark pressure horror sweep

dark suspense sweep

deep sf wave element

deep space fly by

design airy descent

design white noise sweep 2

the end fallout whoosh

a faint laser sweep

fantasy rattle and whoosh

fast air whoosh

fast sweep whoosh

fast thwip sweep

fastest deep whoosh 01

flutter vibrating swipe

forma sweep crazy

ghost graveyard sweep

glass debris sweep short scatter 01

glass dump 1

glass dump 2

glass shards sweep

heavy artic sweep

horror sweep with echo

horror trailer whooshes 1

horror trailer whooshes 2

horror trailer whooshes 3

impressive fantasy sweep

industrial metal sweep

positive whoosh long tail

positive whoosh no tail

positive whoosh short tail

rattling whoosh

rise and fall whoosh

rising laser speed sweep

rollover 1

sci fi radiostatic 419

sharp gritty future flyby

shrill sweep

shrill whoosh fx

single material sweep

sinister subtle horror sweep

sound design science fiction

space glide whoosh

space hatch thin metal whoosh

space jump whoosh 1