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8 bit bounce 2.wav

bubble pop attention

bubble pop delay

bubble pop ding

bubble shine ding

censored bleep long.wav

censored bleep.wav

clean mouth pop

comedy failure

goop 02

happy cartoon ascending

harp ding

incorrect answer 3

low pitched emergency alarm %28get out now%29

machine gun fire 2 cartoonish

machine powering up and then running

pizza quick coin 1

plunk 2.wav


poof explosion with shine 1

sfxbible 00693

sleigh bells

small orchestral win

spittoonthroat 197

squeaky toy 01

squeaky toy 03

telegram telegraph er 5

video game ascending hits 2

video game level complete

whistle whoosh 11

arcade retro fireball

artificial popping sfx

backward electronic vacuum

bells of fascination

blood curdling scream %28with reverb%29

bounce the whoosh

buttontoy 60

cartoon boing 1

cartoon boing 2

cartoon boing 3

cartoon boing 4

cartoon boing 5

cartoon boing 6

cartoon boing 7

cartoon metal detector 1

cartoon metal detector 2

cartoon slide effect

cartoon snore whistle

cartoon squiggle

cartoon swat hit