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footsteps work boots single step right on rock salt 01

footsteps work boots skid on leaves 01

footsteps work boots solid wood surface walk 01

garbage truck bottles

garbage truck

garden hose 2

hand drill 1

hand drill 3

hoist chain and rope

mulitple fireworks 1

mulitple fireworks 2

multiple fireworks with crowd 1

page turn 3

page turn 4

pencil writing 12 long

pencil writing 15

plunging the sink 1

quarry workshop 2

raking leaves 1

raking leaves 5

road crew 2

road crew 3

running through leaves 1

running through leaves 2

sharpie marker on cardboard 1

staple gun 2

staple gun 3

stapler 1

stapler 2

subway arriving 1

subway arriving 1

subway departing 2

subway ride 2

subway ride 2

tape pull rip 1

tape rip 1

tape rip 2

tape rip 3

tape rip 4

tape rip 6

tape rip 8

tape rip 9

tape rip long 1

truck leaf collecting

typing on computer keyboard short 1

walking through leaves 1

walking through leaves 2

backhoe sidewalk 05

bic pen on off 1

bic pen on 2