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broken dish

bowl ceramic put downs

bowl ceramic spin down long 1

bowl ceramic spin down long 2

bowl ceramic spin down long 3

bowl ceramic spin down long 4

bowl ceramic spin down med 1

bowl ceramic spin down med 2

bowl ceramic spin down med 3

bowl ceramic spin down med 4

bowl ceramic spin down short 1

bowl ceramic spin down short 2

bowl ceramic spin down very short

cleaning glass 2

close dishwasher

glass clink cheers a1

glass clink cheers a2

glass clink cheers a3

glass clink cheers b1

glass clink cheers b2

glass clink cheers b3

glass clink cheers b4

glass clink cheers b5

glass clink cheers c1

glass clink cheers c2

glass clink cheers c3

glass clink cheers c4

large dinner plate placed on table 1

old dishwasher close 1

old dishwasher open 1

short sweep of glass 1

short sweep of glass 2

silverware drop 1

silverware drop 2

silverware drop 4

silverware drop 5

silverware drop 6

silverware drop 6

sweeping up glass 1

sweeping up glass 2

water pour cup very small short 2

water pour glass short resonant

water pour hot mug tea 1

water pour hot mug tea 2

water pour hot mug tea 3

water pour hot mug tea 5

bowl breaks 1

bowlemptydrop 128

bowlemptyplace 129

bowlemptyremove 130