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book large pick up put down

book put down 1

bowl ceramic put downs

foley cereal box put down med

footsteps put out cigarette on dirt gravel 01

footsteps put out cigarette on gravel 01

glass bottles gather put in plastic bag 01

glove cloth material movement hand put in 01

gold drive wood 2

gold drive wood 3

gold iron shot 1

golf air swing 2

golf ball in hole 1

golf drive 3

golf putt 3

golf putt 4

golf putt 5

golf putt 6

household attic stairs put up 01

household ceramic jar put on lid 01

household coffeee maker filter holder put in 01

jacket movement put on 01

latex glove 323

nine iron shot 1

object put in toolbox 01

phone pick up clicks put down plastic

phone pick ups put downs plastic

pitching wedge practice 1

tea kettle modern pick up put down

weight put on barbell 2

book put down 2

camping stove noise gas stream and put out

card put down 01

card put down 02

card put down 03

cash boxdrawer 29

clasp envelope 72

clasp envelope 73

clipboardplastic 89

dice roll 1

dice roll 2

dice roll 3

easy cheese cap double click put on 01

face mask 90

fire jacket 172

footsteps dress shoes wood put out cigarette 01

gasmaskputon s08wa 212