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champagne cork 1

champagne cork 1

champagne cork pop and pour

cork pop 05

cork pop open full bottle wine 01

cork pop open full bottle wine 01

cork pop open full wine bottle 02

cork pop open half full wine bottle 01

german toast 1

glass clink 3

glass clink 3

glass clink cheers a1

glass clink cheers a2

glass clink cheers a3

glass clink cheers b1

glass clink cheers b2

glass clink cheers b3

glass clink cheers b4

glass clink cheers b5

glass clink cheers c1

glass clink cheers c2

glass clink cheers c3

glass clink cheers c4

glass scrape 1

glass scrape 2

glass set down 1

glass set down 3

glass wine bottle drop bounce no break 01

glass wine bottle drop on cement bounce 01

glass wine bottle drop roll no break 01

glass wine bottle empty gather movement hit rub together counter top 01

glass wine bottle empty set counter top 01

glass wine bottle empty set counter top 02

glass wine bottle full corked set on counter top 01

glass wine bottle full corked set down wood table 01

glass wine bottle full corked slide short counter top 01

glass wine bottle full no cork set down counter top 01

glass wine bottle full no cork set down wood table 01

glass wine bottle full no cork set on wood table 02

glass wine bottle movement hit together roll counter top 01

glass wine bottle multiple gather glass movement counter top 01

glass wine bottle multiple gather hit counter top 01

glass wine bottle set on counter top 01

glass wine bottle set down 01

glass wine bottle set down 02

glass wine bottle set down 03

glass wine bottle set down movement impact multiple 01

glass wine bottle three fourths full corked set counter top 01