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vinyl scratch hits 95 bpm 1

vinyl scratch hits 95 bpm with beat 1

arcade game high metal hits

archery arrow hits victim

archery crossbow hits target

archery elf bow hits target

archery longbow hits target

archery shortbow hits target

bean bag hits floor

birds eagles

block cloth mild 01

block cloth slides 02

block cloth solid 01

block cloth solid 03

block cloth thud 01

block cloth w move

block flesh tight 01

blood squirt 1

body blow punch ahh with fast echo

body blow punch ahh with slow echo

body blow punch ahh

body blow punch boxer

body blow punch oof

body blow punch ooh

body blow punch uugh

body impact blood and guts 1

body impact blood and guts 2

body impact blood and guts 3

body moves against wood wall

bodyfalls mat clothes reverb x3

bold impact

boxing heavy bag using both ha

boxing punch left right combo

boxing speed bag using both ha

bright brutal impact with echoes

bright hammer hit

bright metal smash

brutal impact mangled crash

bullet impacthuman s08wa 574

bullet impacthuman s08wa 575

bullet impactmetal s08wa 29

bullet impactmetal s08wa 30

bullet impactwood s08wa 31

chain hits rattles small wheel

chair wood bumpy hits bys 2

clang 1

clang 10

clang 12

clang 2

clang 3