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bone crunching

bone crushing 1

bring out your dead bell and strong winds

british female scream



calm and noisy space ambience

calm dark space ambience

camp ghost

carnival creepy music box

cartoon gremlin baby 1

cartoon gremlin baby 2

cartoon gremlin chirp

cartoon gremlin chuckle

cartoon gremlin giggle

cartoon gremlin laugh

cartoon gremlin sigh

cartoon gremlin sneeze

cartoon gremlin sniggers

casting spell 01

casting spell 02

casting spell 03

casting spell 04

casting spell 05

casting spell 06

casting spell 07

casting spell 08

casting spell 09

casting spell 10

castle of dark magic

catacomb creepy knocking movement

cave of horror

cavern chaos

chamber of devils 1

chamber of devils 2

chamber of hell

chaos horror spell

chill 2

the chime of terror

the church of sorrow

clock tower bell

crazy lazer mosquito

crazy rush 1

creaky rocking chair 1

creaky wooden floorboard

creature demon breaths hungry to kill



creepy alien nest ambience

creepy chamber of laughter