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casting spell 10

castle of dark magic

catacomb creepy knocking movement

cave of horror

cavern chaos

chamber of devils 1

chamber of devils 2

chamber of hell

chaos horror spell

chill 2

the chime of terror

the church of sorrow

clock tower bell

crazy lazer mosquito

crazy rush 1

creaky rocking chair 1

creaky wooden floorboard

creature demon breaths hungry to kill



creepy alien nest ambience

creepy chamber of laughter

creepy chatter ambience

creepy critter 1

creepy horror bite

creepy horror night crawlers

creepy knocking horror suspense

creepy vocal delay

crime and torture 3 whip cracks

crowd surprisegasps

crowdsurprise murmurgsps

crowdsurprise murmurgsps

crows 2


dancing with vampires harp version

danger british female voice


a dark and ambient background

dark and calm space ambience

dark and diffuse dream ambience

a dark and evil aura

dark angels

dark atmosphere

dark cave ambience

dark crunchy dive 1

dark death eater motion 1

dark death eater motion 2

dark electricity drone 1

dark electricity drone 2

dark ethereal movement