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droid wet fx 5

droid wet fx 6

droid wet fx 7

droid wet fx 8

droid wet fx 9

the droids are restless drone 1

the droids are restless drone 2

electric flare

electric stardust

energy swoosh 01

energy swoosh 02

energy swoosh 03

energy swoosh 04

energy swoosh 05

energy swoosh 06

energy swoosh 08

energy swoosh 09

energy swoosh 10

energy swoosh 11

energy swoosh 12

energy swoosh 13

epic scifi horror fx 01

epic scifi horror fx 02

epic scifi horror fx 03

epic scifi horror fx 04

epic scifi horror fx 05

escape from the wormhole

evolving air laser

evolving aliens

exhausted laser power down robot

experimental alien machine

extending arms of the robot

extinction laser ray

extra terrestrial city

extra terrestrial take over

falling laser tone

faster than hyperspace

flickering electricity

frantic droid noises

freddie the frog from the future

frequency alien radio

future flymo

future impact and atmosphere

future power bike

futuristic air hiss

futuristic sci fi motorbike

galactic gas

galactic gremlin

galaxy transition 1