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10 s magic spells

bad joke drum roll 01

cards card flick 03

cards card placed 01

christmas spell 3

christmas spell 5

game magic wand

santa toy spell

ta da brass fanfare 1

ta da orchestral

ta da organ

casting spell 01

casting spell 02

casting spell 03

casting spell 04

casting spell 05

casting spell 06

casting spell 07

casting spell 08

casting spell 09

casting spell 10

the devils doorbell

dragon wizard spell

elf magic 3 spells

ethereal magic ambience

evil toy sfx

fantasy mage spell 1

fantasy mage spell 10

fantasy mage spell 2

fantasy mage spell 3

fantasy mage spell 4

fantasy mage spell 5

fantasy mage spell 6

fantasy mage spell 7

fantasy mage spell 8

fantasy mage spell 9

gathering magic

heh heh heh laugh 1 with delay

heh heh heh laugh 1 with reverb

heh heh heh laugh 1

heh heh heh laugh 2 with delay

heh heh heh laugh 2 with reverb

heh heh heh laugh 2

intense echo mage spell

the power of the magician