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snow slide by icy 1

snow slide by icy 2

snow slide by icy 3

snow slide by icy scrape bumpy 1

snow slide by icy scrape bumpy 2

snow slide by icy scrape bumpy 3

snow slide by icy scrape bumpy 4

snow slide by icy scrape bumpy 5

snow slide by icy scrape bumpy 6

snow slide by icy scrape smooth 1

snow slide by icy scrape smooth 2

snow slide by icy scrape smooth 3

snow slide by icy scrape smooth 4

snow slide by icy scrape stop

traffic wet snow city slushy water splash 1

traffic wet snow city slushy water splash 2

traffic wet snow city slushy water splash 3

traffic wet snow city slushy water splash 4

clearing snow from driveway

electric furnace

gust winter planet

rubbing and blowing hands cold

rubbing hands together

rubbing snow off clothes

shovel clearing snow

skiing by fast snow 1

skiing by fast snow 2

snow impact creaky debris

snow impact gritty creak

snow impact gritty icy scrape 1

snow impact gritty thump

snow impact hard glassy ice

snow impact stab gritty 3

snow impact thud low

snow impact thump icy scrape

snowball hits window 1

snowball hits window 2

snowflake bells 1

snowflake bells 2

stepping on ice and snow

two sniffs 2

windblizzard s08wt 100

winddronewinter s08wt 103

winter town landscape atmosphere

zipper winter jacket slow moves 1