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drone the outer realms

eerie alien landscape

eerie alien landscape

eerie metal stretch

eerie metal stretch

eerie metallic scrape

eerie metallic scrape

electronic body scan

emergency alarm

at the end of the universe

engine wind down

engine wind down

engine wind up

evolving aliens

experimental alien machine

extra terrestrial city

extra terrestrial take over

fast impact whoosh

fast impact whoosh

fast whisle whoosh

fifties space ray

fifties space ray

fiftiesscifi death ray

fiftiesscifi death ray

flashy gordon

flying pan space transition

force field

force field

fragmented future wave

frantic droid noises

freddie the frog from the future

frequency alien radio

future communicator device

future down on earth

future factory

future flymo

futuristic air hiss

galactic gas

gravitational glitch pull

growl type scan

growl type scan


heavenly star by and away

hollow metal scrape

hollow metal scrape

hungry alien nibblers

impact whoosh

impact whoosh