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cartoon gremlin baby 1

cartoon gremlin baby 2

cartoon gremlin chirp

cartoon gremlin chuckle

cartoon gremlin giggle

cartoon gremlin laugh

cartoon gremlin sigh

cartoon gremlin sneeze

cartoon gremlin sniggers

cartoon slide effect

cartoon slide fast

cartoon squiggle

cartoon swat hit

choppy metal sequence

crazy fx who broke this

cyborg the cat

distorted crackle

electric sheep

error strange key press s

faint scratchy crinkle

false start funky engine

fast friction rubbing

filter the future drum boy

future frog

gremlin brave heart

gremlin hairy scary

gremlin hissy

gremlin huffy

gremlin innocent

gremlin mr fangs

gremlin objection

gremlin pain

gremlin problem imp

gremlin sneaky

gremlin stroppy

gremlin weeee

hello 2x silly voices

ho ho ho christmas elf

plastic whistle 5

plastic whistle 8

pretend baby crying annoying cry

pretend baby crying comedy wah

random metal pulse

rattle brush

ripple flicking transition

rumbling motion

sci fi fly swatter

sci fi helicopter

scratchy ripple fx

silly bathroom countdown female voice