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canon battle 01

canteenscrewoff s08wa 103

canteenscrewon s08wa 104

chainsaw forest %28loop%29

dive bomb 2

dive bomb corsair

drum roll 1

drum roll with cymbal crash at end

drum roll without the snare %28heavy start and then low roll%29

epic sci fi battle

fantasy battle scene 01

fantasy battle scene 02

fantasy battle scene 03

fantasy battle scene 04

fantasy battle scene 05

fighter plane world war i

frightening cymbal stab 1

frightening cymbal stab 2

frightening cymbal stab 3

generic modern jet fighter plane flies overhead

generic modern jet fighter plane flyby behind listener

generic modern jet fighter plane flyby %28version 1%29

generic modern jet fighter plane flyby %28version 2%29

gun battle swat team za01 325

helicopter exterior %28loop%29

helicopter huey flyby

helicopter interior

high pitched timpani roll

incoming rocket

short drum roll with cymball crash at end

sos morse code 1

space battle alien commander on bridge

space battle destruction inside ship

space battle outside spaceship 1

space battle outside spaceship 2

space war dark power

space war destruction

space war star cruiser

squadron flyby

sword hits shield then kills

sword slash into flesh 3

sword slices man who cries out

timpani roll 1

timpani roll 3

timpani roll with cymbal crash at end

truck with canon

war drums loop 1

war drums loop 5

war scene 1

world war i battle ambience 1