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dive bomb corsair

dog fight 2 02

drum roll 1

drum roll with cymbal crash at end

drum roll without the snare %28heavy start and then low roll%29

epic sci fi battle

ethnic wind battlecry 1

ethnic wind fanfare

exploding sf

explosion 1

explosion 3

explosion impact dramatic 1

explosion impact hit 1

explosion impact hit 2

explosion impact solid 2

explosion impact tunnel 1

explosion impact underground 1

explosion impact underground 2

explosive destruction scifi attack

explosive white noise 1

explosive white noise 2

explosive white noise 3

fantasy battle scene 01

fantasy battle scene 02

fantasy battle scene 03

fantasy battle scene 04

fantasy battle scene 05

fight person cries as blade rips flesh

fight rough blade rips flesh

fightefforts grunts male

fightefforts grunts male4x

fighteffrt malestrugle grn

fighter plane world war i

frightening cymbal stab 1

frightening cymbal stab 2

frightening cymbal stab 3

generic modern jet fighter plane flies overhead

generic modern jet fighter plane flyby behind listener

generic modern jet fighter plane flyby %28version 1%29

generic modern jet fighter plane flyby %28version 2%29

gun battle swat team za01 325

heavy axe thrown at enemy

helicopter exterior %28loop%29

helicopter huey flyby

helicopter interior

high pitched timpani roll

human crowdstudio 146

human crowdstudio 179

incoming rocket

insect attack bu01 171