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fiftiesscifi death ray

filter and flutter twang

flickering electricity

game fx strange plop 1

game fx strange plop 2

garbled fly over whoosh fx

gearsputterturn 80

goop 04

goop 05

goop 06

goop 07

goop 08

goop 09

goop 10

gunshot cartoonish 2

gunshot cartoonish 3

gunshot cartoonish 4

gunshot cartoonish

hard thudd on broken glass.wav

haunted house ambiance %28with creaky doors screams etc%29

high pitched emergency alarm %28get out now%29

hollow plunk

humansneeze 99

humming in the bathroom british male voice

incorrect answer 1

incorrect answer 2

incorrect answer 4

incorrect answer 5

incorrect answer 6

pitch changing delay twang

production whoosh 1

production whoosh 2

production whoosh 3

production whoosh 4

production whoosh 5

pulse like hovercraft

pulse like hovercraft

pulsing bubbles 1

pulsing bubbles 2

pulsing bubbles 3

random metal pulse

rapid repeating squelchy

rattle brush

record scratches vinyl

retro glitch 01

retro glitch 02

retro glitch 03

retro glitch 04

retro glitch 05