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blowing a rude raspberry funny

body blow punch ahh with fast echo

body blow punch ahh with slow echo

body blow punch ahh

body blow punch boxer

body scan

body scan

a brief bright interlude

bright and glitchy chaos drone

bright brutal impact with echoes

bright chimes gliss

bright metal reverse whoosh

bright but nasty whoosh

burp clip revolting man burping

burps 2x human noises

buzzy metal insect

car horn by

cartoon chipmunk

cartoonish ghost moaning

castle of dark magic

castle siege drawbridge

a celestial tune

this cellar is haunted

chicken animal impersonation 11

chiller transition

the chime of terror

choppy metal sequence

the church of sorrow

classical ident 80bpm choir

classical ident 80bpm horns

classical ident 80bpm strings

a classical interlude

close encounters of the melodic kind

close object whoosh

crazy fx who broke this

crazy glitch 8bit style 01

crazy glitch 8bit style 02

crazy glitch 8bit style 03

crazy glitch 8bit style 04

crazy glitch 8bit style 05

crazy glitch 8bit style 06

crazy glitch 8bit style 07

crazy glitch 8bit style 08

crazy glitch 8bit style 09

crazy glitch 8bit style 10

crazy syncopated noise

crazy wave attack

creaky wooden floorboard

creepy ambience metal chimes

creepy horror bite