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general button 6

japanese button 4

japanese button 5

lots of dogs barking

poof explosion with shine 1

runway warning shot 1

sci fi alarm 47

scream human female pack

ship horn bright short

ship horn distant short

arcade game warning bleep

barrier hit warning game fx

bass warning 2

beep cockpit 1

bell alarm fire alarm rings long

bell type warning alert

bell type warning alert

beware old male warning voice

car horn four honks

car horn long

car horn quick honks

car horn selection pack

car horn short

car horn three honks

car horn two s 1

car horn two s 2

car horn two s 3

car horn very long

car lights on warning tone

danger british female voice

distant warning alarm drone

do not enter female warning gateway spirit

dogs barking crazy dog

dogs barking growls vicious

dragon warning

emergency alarm

fog horn

friendly alert

gasp 07

hospital warning alarm

intruder alert british female voice

pulsating alarm loop

red alert

sci fi alarmdevice 41

sci fi alarmdevice 42

sci fi alarmhigh 45

sci fi alarmhigh 46

sci fi alarmwarning 54