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forcefield 18

forcefield 19

forcefield 20

fragmented magical impact

frightening cymbal stab 1

frightening cymbal stab 2

frightening cymbal stab 3

game cursed spell

game spell of light 1

game spell of light 2

gathering magic

the genie appears

grainy magic motion loop

gritty bitty spell

gust and glitch magic loop

halloween spell wave

harmonic fantasy spell turn to stone

harp fantasy scene

haunting magic spell 1

haunting magic spell 2

haywire spell

high elf magic ethereal spell

high end sparkle spell

hiss and echo spell

hocus pocus spell

horrifying flashback ambience

horror cave ambience

horror cave dungeon

horror dissonant air drone

horror drone water and static

horror machines dark apprentice

horror magic swell tonal dissonant 01

horror magic swell tonal dissonant high 01

horror magic swell tonal dissonant high 02

horror scifi fx 1

horror scifi fx 2

horror scifi fx 3

horror scifi fx 4

horror swirl dark magic eerie 01

horror unsettling settlement

horror voices of fear

horror voices of terror

horror wind chimes tinkly shimmer magic 01

horror you are possessed

ice shield spell

ice spell master magician

illusion echo spell