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goop 09

goop 10

gravitational glitch pull

gritty flyby whoosh

growl type scan

growl type scan

gunshot cartoonish 2

gunshot cartoonish 3

gunshot cartoonish 4

gunshot cartoonish

hairy whoosh ends abruptly

hard thudd on broken glass.wav

harsh metal scrape

harsh metal scrape

hatchet horror transition

haunted house ambiance %28with creaky doors screams etc%29

haunted house

haunted space energy

heavy axe thrown at enemy

heavy chain weapon hits monster

heavy future explosion 1

heavy future explosion 2

heavy impact with different elements

heavy impact with various elements

heavy metal industry drone

heavy space door opens

high pitched emergency alarm %28get out now%29

high pitched timpani roll

hollow metal scrape

hollow metal scrape

hollow plunk

horrid glass squeals and squeaks

horrifying flashback ambience

horror decay industrial rock

horror explosive impact 01

horror explosive impact 02

horror explosive impact 03

horror explosive impact 04

horror explosive impact 05

horror explosive impact 06

horror explosive impact 07

horror explosive impact 08

horror explosive impact 09

horror explosive impact 10

human breath exhale blow out candles many long

human breath exhale blow out candles many short

human male coughs throat clears