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scifi big brain 2

sinister breaths horror 02

sinister breaths horror 03

strange 1

a strange electronic 1

strange game hit

ufo strange launch

undead breathing

underwater element 02

underwater element 05

voice of confusion

war drums loop 06

arcade game strange animal

arcade game strange pulse delay

arrested space development

artificial popping sfx

astral space motion

astral time warp jump

backward electronic vacuum

blood suckers

broken bleep warble

broken down tape recording

broken glass computer glitch

broken retro 8 bit loop

buzzy metal insect

carnival creepy music box

cartoon squiggle

cartoon swat hit

cave of horror

celestial motion

choppy metal sequence

crazy fx who broke this

crazy glitch 8bit style 01

crazy glitch 8bit style 02

crazy glitch 8bit style 03

crazy glitch 8bit style 04

crazy glitch 8bit style 05

crazy glitch 8bit style 06

crazy glitch 8bit style 07

crazy glitch 8bit style 08

crazy glitch 8bit style 09

crazy glitch 8bit style 10

crazy syncopated noise

creepy critter 1

creepy horror bite

creepy horror night crawlers

curse of the hellpig

cyber darkness scifi fx

cyborg the cat

dark ethereal movement